Eeears, a revolutionary new earpick

  News     |      2018-08-30 16:44

Many of us think that “little” rubbish, in fact, over time will cause the environment are “big” damage – for example, many people use and readily discarded cotton swab every day.

According to statistics, cotton bars a year production of up to 22 billion, this figure is the distance,then 4 times the length of the Earth to the moon, that is 400 million imperial buildings so high.

In addition to the external environment damage, you know? In fact, the use of cotton sticks are not safe for the ears, the doctors are not recommended to use.

For the above reasons, since 2018, France is said to be the first country to ban the sale of plastic cotton swabs.

In order to solve these problems, a team developed a continuous re-use, 100% by the medical grade silicone production of low-sensitive ear bar Eeears.

eeears silicone earpick


A new dig ear stick eeears earpick, special shape, can be reused, made of 100% soft and hypoallergenic medical silicone earpick.

The invention of this project helps to reduce the waste of cotton chips in Europe for $ 22 billion a year, and the benefits of ecology are undeniable.

The traditional cotton stick works, it will put the dirt in the ears into the depths of the ear hole. Eeears earpick works as shown in the following figure, which brings out the dirt in the ear. Absolutely safe and comfortable.

Eeears earpick make the ear clean more secure, the special design will never touch your eardrum, and then eeears use 100% medical soft silicone, more comfortable and reliable.

It is in addition to light and easy to carry, can reduce the amount of garbage, the other one of the biggest advantages is the rotation of the descaling, not only the cleaning force even better cotton swab, but also can reduce the damage to the ear tympanic membrane.

After use eeears ear cleaner, rinse with water to complete the cleaning.